Frequency Asked Questions (FAQs)
This page provides you with answers to the most frequently asked questions our Management Office receives. Browse through the types of questions on the left or use the search at the top of the page to find information from anywhere on this site.
Common Areas
What are common areas?
Front entrances, central courtyard area, back entrances, corridors, garage and roadway.
Where and how do I throw out garbage?
Regular trash, Recycling, Large items.
Where is my mailbox?
Mailboxes are located across from the management office.
When are delivery allowed?
Usually between 9am - 8pm.
How can I request Bicycle storage?
Contact the Property Management office to request a bicycle spot in P1.
How do I request parking spot?
If you have extra vehicle and want to rent for long term, you need to check the bulletin board in the mail room that owner post up parking for rent.
Where can I get a remote control for the garage?
Remote controls may be purchased at the Property Management Office.
What is the visitor parking policy
Your visitor can park a maximum of 7 nights within a 30 day period in visitor's parking. Beyond that, your visitor can park at a nearby Green P parking lot or you can try to rent an available monthly parking spot from a resident.