Frequency Asked Questions (FAQs)
This page provides you with answers to the most frequently asked questions our Management Office receives. Browse through the types of questions on the left or use the search at the top of the page to find information from anywhere on this site.
We have noise coming from neighbours. What should we do?
Living in a condo is unlike living in a single family house. You live in close proximity to your neighbours and as a result hear most sounds that they make. It is important that we all understand this and take steps to avoid upsetting our neighbour. Try not to wear hard soled shoes while walking in the unit, cover hard floor areas with throw rugs where children are playing, turn down the volume of radios and televisions early in the evening as your neighbours may be early sleepers or risers. When doing renovations or repairs in the unit, stick to the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and no noise on weekends or holidays. Some of us like to sleep in after a hard week of work. If noise persists from your neighbour, call the Property Manager or security who will investigate. Do not confront your neighbour. Leave that to the Property Manager or security.