Condo Board Meetings

Our condo board typically meets once per month. Board members receive a notification package a few days before each meeting. The usual documents include the agenda, the minutes of the previous meeting, the latest financial statement, a manager's report, and photocopies of bids when contracts are discussed, as well as correspondence addressed to the board.

The agenda is fairly standard and contains items such as: approval of the minutes of the previous board meeting, business arising from these minutes, question period and approval of the latest financial statement, business arising from this statement, manager's report, other business (such as contracts, budget), and correspondence received and sent as well as any new items.

When motions are moved, seconded, and voted upon, each board member has only one vote, including the President. A simple majority carries. The vote generally proceeds with a show of hands.

Meeting highlights are left in the lobby outside of the Property Management Office. They are also included on our Casitas website.